Yeah, it's that time of year. Time for my annual trip to Duluth for the 14th Annual Duluth Bayfront Blues Festival. I've been to all 14, and they've all been a blast. Looking back, I see that I have pictures up from my trips north from 1998, 2000 and 2001. Since it's August of 2002, must be time for more fun and pictures. <grin>
A big part of why I go to the Duluth Bluesfest is to meet up with
friends that I haven't seen in a year or so, usually folks that I met
when I was going to school at UMD.
Here I am with Jim and Sharon Kitterman. They're the parents of Holly,
here sitting between Ron and Vicki.
Here are more friends from my UMD days. From right to left there's Bruce, Dave, Norman and Dave's son Christopher.
To the right, I have (possibly the first online picture) of Mike Hudak, with Holly sitting behind him...
Then there are the other friends. Here's Dave Haas. I worked with Dave back in my days...
A full set of the pictures I took (after I yanked the under-exposed shots) can be found here.