Here are a few shots I've taken the new server room at Lids. The HP servers are what I installed. Fun, fun, fun.
Here we have a snapshot of the full "new" server room at Lids. Funny,
seems pretty full for a new server room. <grin> The equipment
I'm working with is on the left, the pair of HP servers and the EMC
drive array in the back. (The Compaq NT server on the desk will be
mounted in the closest rack as well.) Hidden between the HP servers
and the EMC array is an HP DLT 7000. Four DLT IV drives and 48 slots
for storage. A neat toy, eh?
You can see where I've been working this week. As usual, it's where my
laptop is, on the counter in the back of the room.
(Note that I'm shuffling my little thumbnail images from one side of the page to the other. Ooooo. And they said my html was boring. <grin> )
Here's a view from the Receiving area of the new server room. Hmmm... Squeezing a server room out of warehouse space. Not really anywere to go from here.
And now, a closer look at my toys here. I'll have to move the
Compaq back into the rack, but it was handier to have it on the desk
with a monitor and keyboard attached. (Not really needed, now that I
have VNC installed.
Running as a server and client on both UNIX and NT/Win95. Very nice,
highly recommended.)
And finally, here's a shot of the other systems installed here at
Lids. Still a little room left...
And here are shots of the servers before reshuffling them again: