Nickoel's Wedding in the Carribean

Well, I'm finally getting around to putting up pictures of the Vacation I took Fall 1999.

This was a much needed vacation, and I appreciate Nickoel's arrangements and scheduling of her wedding. Very convenient for me. <grin>

Nick\'s New
Family Here's a snapshot of the happy family in the dining room. Giving that this was a cruise, much was made of the evening dinners. The food was pretty good, considering that hundreds were being served at a time.

Servers Here are the guys that got to be our tables' servers for the week...
Friends Given what I am (a guy) I don't have many pictures of the wedding or wedding party. In fact, I only have this one shot. <grin> But here is the picture of the friends of the bride and groom.

But, it's now been a year, and I really didn't get the pictures I have online. So, here goes. Most of these are shots I received from Nickoel and her sister Sunday.

Finally, here are a couple of shots from the boat. I think I wish I was back there... Scenery More Scenery

Ron Nelson <>
Last modified: Tue May 01 15:17:49 2001