I was trading emails with a friend last week and I realized
there's no way anyone can understand how ugly the Detroit Renaissance is
without seeing it for themselves. Since I couldn't/wouldn't force
my friends to come out here to see it for themselves, I decided to
snap some shots of it and put up a page.
I have some pictures of fabulous Downtown Detroit for your enjoyment as well...
I drove up to Crosby
to wish my Grandma Happy Valentines Day. I showed her my London and Amsterdam pictures. I had an
aide take a couple of pictures of us, I think this is the best
Toys! I finally got it! I am the proud owner of a Sun workstation. I set up my Sun Blade 100 over the weekend, and now have the full range of toys.
Vacation! Ok, I don't know what it means when the vacation pictures are posted online before I get home... But here they are, direct from Florida... Pictures of my vacation! I now have things broken up into managable pages, so they should be easier to check out. Enjoy!
(I now have my friend's pictures from the same vacation online. Check them out too.)
<grin> I managed to attend another Red Wings hockey game! I brought my camera, and pictures are online, of course.
I went to a Tigers game... They weren't winless, as the Tigers won their first game of the season the night before. This was the 1-11 Tigers playing the 5-7 Tampa Bay Devil Rays. I have the pictures online, of course.
Baby Pic! I saw my cousin's son Brandon last weekend, as it was his first birthday. Cute little fella, eh? Baseball! I took a road trip with Lisa for Memorial Day weekend, drove to Chicago to see my buddy Scot. He picked up tickets for us to catch the Chicago White Sox play at Comiskey Park and the Milwaukee Brewers play at the new Miller Park! Fun weekend, pictures online here.
Well, it's happened. After about nine months with ThruPoint Inc., they've decided that it's just too darn hard to place UNIX architects in billable positions... So, they've layed me off, and once again, all I have to show for it is this. <grin> Well, off the better things...
Due to what's above, the hunt has been postponed. However, I've got pictures of my house hunting games online for your amusement...
Up North! I spent some time this week up on the North Shore of MN, visiting family and friends. Here's a snapshot of my dad from when we were out fishing on Lake Superior. Fun, eh? <grin> Many more pictures are online here.
Yeah, it's that time of year. Time for my annual trip to Duluth for the 14th Annual Duluth Bayfront Blues Festival. I've been to all 14, and they've all been a blast. Looking back, I see that I have pictures up from my trips north from 1998, 2000 and 2001. Since it's August of 2002, must be time for more fun and pictures. <grin>
Look who graduated!
I was up in Duluth last Thursday for Lisa's graduation from Duluth Business University. Lisa got her
diploma in the Medical Assistant
program, and graduated with honors! She also won the award for
Exceptional Student, along with Sandy. (For chuckles, I saved the full index of
attempts at pictures. <grin>)
I drove up to Crosby with Lisa and her girls to attend my grandmother's 80th birthday party! Pictures are online, of course.
Woo-hoo! Not only did the MN Wild win their game against the St. Louis Blues, but I managed to get my picture taken with the Stanley Cup!
Wow! The Wild clinched their first play-off spot last night against the Detroit Red Wings! (Great game, too. The Wild blanked Detroit 4-0!) Here I'm showing off the latest gear from the Wild Store, Playoff gear!It's finally looking like spring here in Minnesota! This year I thought I'd take pictures of the trails I tackle on my K2 MOD 8 skates, and here's the first batch! Much fun...
I'm just pushing up pictures that I've taken over the last few months that I haven't had time to edit yet. These include shots of Deer Season 2003 and pictures I took while in Washington D.C. for 2003 USENIX Security Symposium
Lisa and I were in Las Vegas last June, and since we were there... <grin> I've got the full collection of pictures from the wedding online. I also have the full set of my Vegas pictures online too. I haven't had any time to put any text into there yet, but you can see a bit of the fun.
I'm remembering my Grandma Helen Anderson... She passed away last week, and I was up in Crosby for the funeral Sunday. Happier (recent) memories include her 80th birthday party...
As you can see, the Saint Paul Inline Marathon was last weekend, and I skated my first one. Not bad, eh? (Yeah, that's me on the right...) The placements are for the catagory I skated: Recreational. The Fitness catagory skaters have finish times around 1:30 to 1:45! That's for drafting weenies <grin> (Picture from skinnyski.com)Age Group Place: | 18 out of 38 finishers in Men 35 to 39 |
Gender Place : | 139 out of 345 male finishers |
Category Place : | 211 out of 714 finishers |
Chip Finish Time: | 1:56:33.03 |
Gun Finish Time: | 1:56:41.48 |
Overall Pace: | 13.5MPH |